Counselling Rates

Our rates reflect the level of experience and training that our therapists bring to the services they provide. They are in accordance with recommendations set by the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors.

Associate sliding scale is offered on a limited basis and is dependent on your counsellor's availability for subsidized space.  If you have extended benefits that cover a Registered Clinical Counsellor then you will be able to claim your counselling fees with our Associates.  We provide receipts with the counsellor's RCC number on them so you can claim them back.  We are unable to provide direct billing. Please check with your provider to verify that they cover an RCC.  Longer session rates are prorated.

Please note our intern fees are not normally covered by extended benefits.  Please contact admin to apply for an intern sliding scale.  You can book directly online for a regular intern rate session.

Rates below are exclusive of tax.

Associate Clinician Rate Schedule

Individual                  .......................................................................   $140 - 150 per 50 mins.

Couples/Family        .......................................................................   $150 -160 per 50 mins

Senior Associate Clinician Rate Schedule

Individual   ........................................................................   $160 per 50 mins

Couple/family  ..................................................................    $170 per 50 mins


Director Clinician Rate Schedule

Individual   ........................................................................   $170 per 50 mins

Couple/family ...................................................................    $180 per 50 mins


Associate Pre-registration Clinician Rate Schedule

Individual/couples/family   ........................................................................   $90 per 50 mins

Intern Clinician Rate Schedule

Contact Admin to apply for a sliding scale.

Individual/couples/families   ........................................................................  $60 per 50 mins