Accepting New Clients
Our Team of Counsellors
Registered Clinical Counsellors
Pre-registration Counsellor
Clinical Director/
Intern Counsellors
Low-cost counselling
Your Choice of Counsellor
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We don't match you to a counsellor because it has to be your choice.
This is really important to us at Turning Point Therapy. That is what is mean't by a good fit. The foundation for therapy is a relationship and when a relationship is the most beneficial, it is when we have chosen to be there. It is no different in therapy.
We provide you with support to make that decision in the following ways.
- Information on choosing a counsellor
- A team of counsellors with different styles and approaches.
- Counsellors BIO's to provide you with information.
- Up to 2 free consultations to help you decide.
- If it still doesn't feel right - you can choose a different counsellor.
All our counsellors have been carefully selected to provide you with the skills to achieve your goals. We understand that finding the right fit in a therapy relationship is very important and provide you with a variety of backgrounds and interests to choose from.
We hold true to the idea we can not take you to places we have not gone ourselves. All our therapists and Interns are committed to this value by continuing to do their own personal work and in-depth training.