
Dealing with Your Anger

Let's face it, Anger is one of the most difficult emotions to come to terms with either in our own expression or other people's.

Therapy is focused on self-awareness and learning how to distinguish between anger and abuse, anger and aggression. To notice these signs and be able to respond differently to those signs. We will explore why you are angry and help release it in a safe and gradual way. To identify what the feelings underneath it might be.

Anger tells us when something is not okay. However, if you have learned that you will not be taken seriously you may have developed ways of ignoring your feelings or trying to control others through anger. Intimidation is a common way to try and coerce others to listen to you. However, people do not listen well to hostile and abusive ways to get their attention, nor do you feel very good about how you have expressed yourself.  So it will lead to more anger, shame, and powerlessness.

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In therapy, we will approach anger as a general exploration into emotional regulation and learning skills to diminish your reactivity.  We will focus on learning to slow things down and pay attention to your experience, to become comfortable with vulnerable feelings. The expression of anger is taken within the context of the whole of you. We focus on the person and not someone with an anger problem. We recognize that these struggles are often connected to trauma, depression, anxiety, and coping with your life.

If you want to change the way you respond to others and feel empowered you can book an appointment directly online or email admin to set up an appointment.

If you are unsure you can also book a 1/2 hr free consultation with one of our counsellors to answer any questions you have and check out if you would like to proceed with counselling.

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