
Pronouns She/they

low-cost counsellor

Video sessions only available

Wednesday - Friday 10 - 4pm

To Book Online

Therapeutic Focus

  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Trauma/Spiritual Abuse and Trauma/Shame
  • Couples Work/Non-Traditional Relationships
    (Polyamory, Arranged Marriages/BDSM/Kink)
  • Gender Expression
  • Asexuality
  • Sex and Sexuality/Intersex/Sacred Sexuality
  • Relationship Issues/Infidelity Recovery/Intimacy
  • Parenting/Infertility and Pregnancy loss
  • Spirituality/Mindfulness
  • Spiritual Emergency
  • Psychedelic Integration
  • Dream Work

Being human can be hard.
We humans are wired to thrive when we feel safe,
supported, and accepted by other people;
when we can relax into connection with each other,
hearts soar and life feels rich.

But sometimes, life also hands us experiences 
That break our heart and our trust,
leave us feeling bewildered and isolated,
and harm our natural instinct to connect.

We are made for connection.
This is why when our life becomes difficult,
we reach for a trustworthy person
who will sit with us and stand by us
in our confusion and pain
so we can unpack it together.

We reach for someone
who will listen with tender care,
who can take in what we say
with our bodies and our words
and what we don’t yet know how to say.

We search for someone
who can and will keep our confidences,
who can bear the weight of our hidden depths.
We look for someone who will warmly 
take us in, take us seriously, and not judge us.
When we find that person, 
and that vital connection
it can ignite a spark of collaboration with them
to craft the kind of life you really want to live.

In the unique journey of your life
you may have developed habits that now feel like burdens.
You might feel afraid or anxious, and you don’t know why.
You might feel overwhelmed, confused, or hopeless.
You might find that treasured relationships 
have become confusing or conflicted.
You might find yourself at a crossroads and the way forward isn’t clear. 
Something needs to change but you’re not sure what.
You might have thoughts, desires or secrets
that you have never been able to say out loud.
You may be aware of parts of yourself
that you have never let express themselves.
You may feel stuck in a grief that seems endless.
You might feel so alone, with nowhere to turn
and no one to turn to.

Whatever it is that troubles you,
I welcome your sharing the load of it with me.
With courage, we can turn our hearts to it together.